Today we had a lot of firsts! This morning at 10:30 we fed Teagan her first bowl of cereal! We did one tablespoon of rice cereal and 3 tablespoons of breast milk. It was super duper soupy, but that is what the directions said for first time cereal. She did really well. No crazy faces really, she just kept pushing it out of her mouth. I think most of it ended up on her bib and in her neck rolls, but she seemed to get the hang of it towards the end. At that point she was getting crabby and i couldnt get it in fast enough. Her poop this afternoon was a little thicker than normal, but still runny for sure. I guess once we start getting her more on solids that will change. The doc said to just feed her cereal once a day real thin and then make it a little thicker and thicker and move to twice a day. We can also start veggies in a week or two. I already bought two little jars of veggies, one green beans and one sweet peas. So we will see how she likes them. It is almost 8:00 and no signs of any allergic reactions. I bought some baby Benadryl just in case. I can't wait to feed her again tomorrow! I will post the video later, it takes so long to load videos, i will have to shorten it quite a bit before i put it on here.
She has also really started liking her feet! She likes to grab her feet now when you change her and when she is laying on her back playing. It is cute. Pretty soon I bet she will be sucking on her toes...
We were over at my mom and dads this afternoon and i was playing with her on the floor for tummy time. She was actually enjoying herself, we were trying to get her to roll over from her back to her front, figuring that was easier. She is really close. She can get on her side but just cant get over her shoulder. So we would pull her over to try to teach her. She was playing on her stomach when all of a sudden she pushed up far and then kind of just fell over on her back! I couldn't believe it. I guess it is easier to go from front to back after all. Of course i didnt get a picture of this move... so sad to say, but maybe when she goes from back to front i will be more prepared.
get her diaper off I LOVE looking at baby pussy