Sunday, March 27, 2011


Teagan was playing with the ketchup bottle and yapping up a storm. i tried to get it on video, but i ran out of room on my camera and it stopped recording, but here is what i got. i am going to try to get her words on video so you can hear her. she can now also say burp! of course she says it every time she burps.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Teagan's new thing is zippers! she figured out how they work, just cant do it yet herself. she gets mad after a while, but you just distract her and she is better again.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Last Part of video string

These last 3 videos are all parts of one long video i took last week. i took them with my good camera and so i had to split them up. it took several attempts to load them on youtube before i could get them to work. so enjoy.

Sock War

Reading My Book

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

new words

Teagan has begun quite a vocabulary. She now can say a number of words, not all of them are easily identifiable, but we get the picture. Here are a few translations. I will try to get more cute stuff on video since i cant post any more pictures.

ock = sock
ki-eey = kitty
bop = pop
moooor = more
shuu = shoe
bup = cup
pu-ey = puppy
hot = hot
hot = hat
num num = hungry
bock = block
fart = boof or phew

I am sure there are more, but i cant remember them right now. i will try to get them when i hear them.

Monday, March 14, 2011


We were just sitting around and Teagan decided to play peek a boo! well she actually doesnt play "peek-a-boo", but more like "BOO!". she just walks up to you and says boo! it is cute.