Wednesday, April 21, 2010

21 Weeks

Teagan is 21 weeks today, can you believe it?!? It is all going by so fast. In the beginning I couldnt wait for her to get bigger and be more interactive, but now she is at that point and i can't get over how big she is. She doesn't look like my little baby any more, she is turning into a little kid! She is getting quite the personality. She has acquired this new fake cough. It is kind of cute. I am not really sure how she picked it up, it isnt like we tend to her right away every time she coughs. she also loves to suck on her toes on her right foot. She likes her feet when they are bare the best. She will grab them, and when they fall down she just lays there and stares at her fingers.

Teagan is starting to notice the smallest things. She likes the little logos on your shirts, or if you have painted fingernails. She is getting quite the grip. I am debating on weather or not i am going to cut my hair. I can't seem to keep it far enough away from her grasp! Not only can she hold on to your hair and pull, but it is hard to get her grip loose. She is also a good pincher. It is amazing how strong those little hands are. Poor Toby, she will hold out her hand for him to lick it and then she grabs on and wont let go. He keeps trying to lick her to get her to let go and we have to intervene.

Teagan also gets distracted very easily now. I will be feeding her and try to eat or look at a magazine at the same time and she keeps stopping and looking at me. The other day i was so hungry but didnt have time to make anything for real, so i made some microwave popcorn thinking it would be something easy enough to eat while i was feeding her. Well she wouldnt let me. Every time i took a bit of a piece of popcorn, she would stop eating and look up at me. I tried several times, even letting the kernel kind of melt in my mouth before i started chewing so it wouldnt make as much noise. But she still herd it and would stop eating, so i had to give up.

Teagan is on a pretty good schedule now. She eats about every 3.5 hours. Her schedule looks a little something like this:
6:30 ish-wakes up on her own and hangs out and entertains herself in her crib
7:00-eats 7.5 oz
8:30, 9:00-goes down for a nap
10:30-eats 6 oz and some rice cereal
12:30, 1:00-goes down for a nap
3:00-eats 7.5 oz
4:30 ish-goes down for a nap
6:30-eats till she is full (I am feeding her at this time)
7:30- eats some rice cereal and whatever veggie we are on
8:00 ish-bedtime
9:30 ish-last feeding

Pretty exciting stuff huh.

Teagan hasnt been able to roll over yet. She rolled from her front to her back a few weeks ago, but that is all the action we have gotten yet. She is getting so incredibly close rolling from her back to her front, but she just cant get past her shoulder. I dont really thinks she tries that hard though, she isnt much of a fan of being on her stomach. she kicks those feet all the time. I am thinking of getting her one of those toys that are for their feet. they either go in their crib or someplace and it plays music when you kick it. She has some strong legs. I have a feeling she is going to skip the crawling phase and go straight to walking. she can hold all of her weight, she just needs to get her balance figured out. She will even try to walk if you hold her upright. It is pretty cute.

1 comment:

  1. She is too cute! And she's so happy! When will she be tall enough for her jump-a-roo?
