Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun with Teagan

this afternoon i was trying to keep teagan entertained while i made dinner and also kept her awake and happy. when she gets tired, she gets really giggly, it is cute. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to get her on a two nap schedule while still getting in 4 feedings a day. she typically takes 2 medium sized naps in the morning and afternoon and one short one later in the day. i am trying to spread out the first two, or at least make them longer and eliminate the later one all together, then having her go to bed earlier. well today i kept her up from about 3 til 7:45. She wouldnt finish her bottle at 7:00 and fell asleep by 7:45 in Chris' arms. so we just put her to bed. we will see how early she gets up tomorrow. i was shooting for about 8:00 at least, since she normally goes to bed around 8:30 or so. though i have to say, it was nice having more of a break at night. i planted both my tomatoes in those upside down planters finally. here is her playing, "where's Teagan?"

Here is a little clip of her trying to walk around in the kitchen. she just keeps going in circles, because our kitchen is so small and she gets stuck on the carpet. She is getting pretty good in the walker...


Well me, Teagan and Toby went for a jog after work today in my new jogger. Well Teagan was in her new jogger while toby pulled both of us zig zagging down the street!! I thought i would take him for a little while to give him some exercise. bad idea, especially when you are completely out of shape and have barely enough strength to run yourself, let alone with a kid in a stroller and a dog going wild. He didnt do that bad, but when i started i didnt have the front wheel locked straight so it zig zagged really easily. the first 50 feet toby got excited and pulled my sideways, along with the stroller, almost tipping it over. sure it was funny for our neighbors... We eventually made it around a medium sized block. i dropped Toby off and then did it again with just me and Teagan. i was soooo tired. it was maybe 2 miles, probably closer to a mile and a half total. so sad. but it was only the second time i have ran in quite some time. i will get the hang of it, eventually...

Monday, June 28, 2010

messy eater

well this is what we go through while trying to feed Teagan. This is just one of her favorite things to do while she eats. i will have to get her "steel trap" on video...

I tell ya, i dont know how i am going to discipline this child without keeping a straight face!!!

This is her chatterbox mode...

and some more

such a good eater....

Friday, June 25, 2010

Teething (i think)

Well after the lo-grade fever, fussiness, slight loss in appetite, and the faucet that has turned on in little Teagans mouth, i have come the conclusion that she is starting to teeth. I do not see however, any visual signs of a tooth (ie. swollen gums or a white area). So we will see. We gave her some tylenol and she broke her fever Thursday early afternoon. At night, as most of you know she is a very good sleeper, but now she will wake up 15 minutes to a half hour after she has fallen asleep and will be yelling. Not crying, but yelling at whoever wants to listen. Poor thing. So i give her tylenol again. i am up for suggestions.

oh, and i think she might be crawling soon!! one of the times i went into her room last night she was on all fours!!!! i would have taken a picture if she wasnt screaming her head off!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

First Fever!

Well Teagan had a fever of 101 last night. i was a little scared. All we have is this cheap under armpit/rectal/under tongue thermometer. It is the first time i have had to use it. I dont really like it or trust it, so we are ordering one from Andi's pharmacy. We are getting one of those digital ear ones, man, didnt realize how expensive those things are!!! Well there are no signs of teething. Michael and Andi came over last night to check on her. Michael looked in her ears and they were a little red, but nothing to be too concerned about.

This morning she still had a fever, but not as high. So we gave her some more tylenol and sent to to grandma's with tylenol, and ibuprofen. She was crabby this morning and tired, but who can blame her?! I just hope it doesnt turn into anything serious.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tub Time with no Booster!

I gave Teagan a bath today without her little bench that is normally in her tub. I figured it was about time to take it out when I had the tub totally filled and she was only half in the water. Plus she kept arching her back and was getting pretty close to rolling out! You have to be a little more cautious without the booster because she has more room to wiggle around and if her legs are straight she slides down into the flat part. but it worked well. She gets quite wild in there lately. I am starting to get just at wet as her!! Here is a little clip of her first time in the "big girl bath".

More Kiddies!

Audrey, Caroline, Olivia, Rob, and Teagan

Teagan and Meagan

Meagan must have had a spell on Teagan. Teagan was so lazy and mellow when Meagan had her, I had never seen her like that unless she was sleeping!

more fun!

Uncle Eric got me a live lobster for my birthday!!

Was alive for a while in the pool, until the bubbles from the kids got to it...

After it went swimming in the pot on our stove...

Emery in the jumpy castle from our neighbor down the street.

Olivia and Caroline's turn to jump!

Play time!

Teagan, Audrey, Caroline (orange), Olivia (green) i think

Bryahna, (Abbie or Grace dont remember who) and Adelaide playing in the pool.

Adelaide with the biggest sidewalk chalk i have ever seen!!

Bry getting the party started with the chalk, sharing so nicely!

Teagan trying out her baby pool for the first time at home.

Made it through the party!

Well despite not having power since 4:00 Friday night up until about 10:00 Saturday morning...the day turned out pretty good! I was freaking out Friday with no power. We couldnt finish cleaning or cook anything. We ended up running over to Chris' parents at about 9:00 Friday night to drop off some perishables that i was not willing to throw away just in case. The storm came and went quick, but apparently it did some damage to the power lines. The funny thing was, was that it was only our street down to Erich and Jessi's street (2 streets down) that had no power.

But the day was wonderful! a little hot, but it didnt rain and everyone seemed to have a good time! Thank you for everyone who could make it! It was good to see everyone!

Bathing in the sink!

I went to mom and dad's to pick up Teagan after work and mom was giving her a bath in the sink! it is actually quite perfect. you dont hurt your back bending over the tub and she can sit up and the sink has high sides so it will help support her if she were to slip a little. Not sure how long it will last, her legs are getting longer as we speak!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It Worked!

Well at least it worked on my computer. here is another video of Teagan trying to get Toby's ball. I tell ya, I think she is getting pretty darn close to doing it!!


Okay, so here is my first attempt at uploading a video on You Tube and then posting it on my blog. Hopefully it works. I think it downloaded faster than directly loading it on here, so here we go...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Finally moving foreward!

Teagan is finally getting the hang of her walking. She could only go backwards in it, until recently. Now she moves pretty good on the kitchen floor. She moves slow, but can get all over the kitchen. She still isnt very good at navigating, but she is starting to get the idea.

Shopping without the carseat

We went to the grocery store today to get some food for the party on Saturday and I knew I wasnt going to have enough room in the cart with Teagan's carseat in it. So we decided to go without it and sit her in the front of the cart with her hand made cart cover. It fit perfectly. She did really well in there. I was a little scared she would fall over, but i just put my purse in her lap and that kept her content. She just pulled everything out of it as we were shopping (hopefully i didnt leave anything on the floor at Woodmans)!!

Visit from Aunt Andi and Uncle Michael

Michael feeding Teagan her last bottle for the night. He put her to bed for us while me and Andi went for a walk and Chris was working on the crown molding in the family room.

Andi was feeding Teagan cut up cantaloupe while the rest of us ate dinner quick. She really likes it.

My little skydiver!!

Grandma Renwick says this is Teagan's skydiving move!

This is what she is doing inbetween her sky dives...

Anniversary/Birthday Dinner

My Birthday Candle, HUGE!

Just about to fizzle out! Our 3rd anniversay dinner from mom and dad.

It was the neatest thing, we ate on this little boat. We had a seafood buffet and it was soooo good. I of course got my moneys worth!

It was a little hot and muggy inside the little boat (that was actually floating on water with a bunch of giant gold fish swimming around) so we sat outside on the outside part and had our dessert.

Teagan and Emery

We went to Kim and Ralphs for the Blackhawks game on Wednesday and Teagan and Emery were playing... Well Emery was playing while Teagan watched. Soon they will both be playing together i bet.

It was fun. Emery was taking a few steps. We were trying to get him to walk from person to person. While he wasnt walking he was either giving Teagan kisses or taking her bottle away. It was cute.

First Taste of Icecream!

You cant tell it by looking at the pictures, but Teagan really liked her first taste of vanilla ice cream. Andi and Michael bought me ice cream cake for my birthday (my favorite) and had us over for dinner on Monday (yes, i know we had a busy day). We were eating cake and Andi wanted to give some to Teagan. I told her only the vanilla, and she really liked it. She kept wanting more, opening her mouth like a little bird, but i didnt want her liking it too much at such a young age. Maybe we will get it for her first birthday...

Afternoon at the Park

We went for a walk with our neighbor Julie and her two kids (Logan and Lindsay). We met Jessi and Bry at the park and when we got there Teagan had fallen asleep and used her sun hat for some shade...

Bry was a little shy at first, but she came around and was full of hugs for Teagan!

Bry (who will be 3 in a few months) is so tall compared to Teagan. It will be fun when they get older, a few years wont make as much of a difference.

Teagan Meets Frog!

I was still gardening (this has all been the same day as visit with Gera) and we had this bag of dirt that had been opened and sitting outside for a few weeks. so i used it to fill in some spots around the mailbox. When i dumped it out there was a toad in there! I thought what better time than to introduce Teagan to her mom's favorite childhood animal! She was quite interested at first and almost squeezed him to death. i had to pry her hands off! then i dropped him and he landed right on her stomach. it was cute. It didnt really seem to faze Teagan. I think we may have a future frog catcher on our hands...