Friday, January 22, 2010

Teagan is now 8 weeks old

As of Wednesday, Teagan is exactly 8 weeks old. I can't believe how fast it has gone by. She has grown so much these last few weeks. I feel like she is closer to a toddler now than a baby. She is awake now during the day more than she is napping. She absolutely loves her room and has made friends with all the little animals and dots on her walls and in her crib. We put her up there in the evening when she is crabby and you can hear her talking to her animal friends.

She loves to be changed and often likes to just hang out in her diaper. I am sure we are going to have a hard time keeping her clothes on in the summer! She can follow people as they walk across the room. She coos and makes almost laughing sounds when you play with her. She giggles (sort of) in her sleep, but that is as close as we have gotten to an actual laugh. I bet it is coming soon.

She loves to sleep on her sides. We have had several sleeping arrangements for her over the past 8 weeks. For the first month we had her in her bassinet next to our bed. That worked pretty good. It was very convenient because I just had to lean over to pick her up and feed her and then I would walk to her bedroom to change her. She started to get a little too heavy and I would practically tip over picking her up from the bed. Then we decided since I was having to go in her bedroom to change her why not just have her sleep in the crib? Well that lasted exactly a week. It seemed like a good idea. It gave Chris a better nights sleep, but as for me, I just found myself walking back and forth what seemed like every half hour to shush her or feed her. So needless to say, I was getting less sleep. I was beginning to think that her room was too cold and that was why she was waking up so often. In the mornings when Chris would go to work he would bring her in bed with me when she was fussy. In our bed she could sleep for a few hours at a time with out any interruptions. That is where I came up with the cold room concept. We thought about getting a little heater for her room since you are not supposed to put blankets in their cribs, but our friend Dee gave us her little bed sleeper. We now have a little bed that we put in between us at night. She has been in it for the past week. She seems to like it and has slept well for the past 3 nights. I think we might be starting to get on a schedule now... at least I hope!

As far as milestones go, Teagan hasn't reached too many, at least nothing very exciting. She holds her head up pretty good. I can pretty much hold her like a little kid on my hip and she sits up fairly well. Her head will bob and weave occasionally, you just have to pay attention. She hasn't rolled over yet. She is real close though. Not sure if she has any urge to though, she seems to like it on her side, as I stated earlier. I often find her sleeping that way.

Talents, I would have to say her best talent so far is the amount of air that leaves her body and the noise it makes when exiting... She puts Chris to shame!!! Her farts sound like someone 5 times her size created them! It is amazing her diaper doesn't blow off. She has slowed down the older she gets, but man she sure can surprise you! She holds her own on the burping end, except for her milk. Most times when she burps parts of her meal come with it. Not to fun for me, since I am normally the one wearing the evidence. Although it was quite funny one morning, Chris was all ready for work and he was bringing her in our room and she had a projectile burp right in his face. Apparently she even managed to get some in his mouth!! Made me laugh. It was a good start to the day. So far everyone in the house has been puked on except for the cat. Toby got a mouthful when I was on my way back from changing her and heading back to our room when again she puked and it landed right on Toby's back who was laying on the landing between our rooms. It was too dark and I was too tired to clean him up, so I left it for him to eat. Gross I know, but I don't think he minded...

1 comment:

  1. Jessie,
    Teagan has definitely changed since we saw her last! I enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to many more updates and pictures!
