Friday, January 29, 2010

A Good Nights Rest!

Teagan has done it!!! After less than 2 days of following the advice of "Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam, she has successfully slept through the night without any interruptions!! We followed a strict feeding and sleeping schedule and after feeding her at 9:30 last night she did not wake up completely (she had a 5 minute crying spurt at about 10:30 but went back to sleep on her own) until about 5:45 this morning.

I woke up at about 3 this morning and went in her room to check on her to make sure she was still breathing. I was so excited that I couldn't fall back asleep for at least a half an hour. My mind just kept going on and on about how nice it is going to be and hoping that it will last. Plus I was a little worried about timing her next feeding if she were to wake up soon. I was also worried, but mainly uncomfortable, about my boobs. They were like rocks! They have been used to getting emptied every few hours throughout the night. I was debating on weather I should pump or not, but then was worried that she would wake up and I wouldn't have anything for her. So needless to say, I finally went back to sleep, and by the 3rd snooze hitting of the 5:30 alarm clock she was getting crabby. I got up and she was wide awake trying to get her thumb in her mouth (that is her new not-so-good milestone which I will talk about later) so I shoved her paci in instead. I decided to pump since I didn't think she would be able to latch on easily in her anticipated hunger frenzy. 10 oz I got, that is a record, and I wasn't even done.

She was pretty content while waiting to get fed. According to the book, I need to have a set morning feeding time. I picked 7:00, so she had a ways to go. She was so good, I was a little worried that she would be unbearable until then (I kept thinking, should I give her a snack?) but I just turned on her lamp and turned on her mobile and she was fine for a while. I even made coffee this morning before Chris left for work! She started to get a little fussy at about 6:50, so Chris changed her for me and then she got fed. Piece of cake!! I was a little worried about her diaper situation. The night before she had had a pee blowout, and that was only after about 4 hours between changings. But it was all good, just your typical everyday wet diaper! Lets hope we can keep this ball rolling. She then fell asleep at about 8:15 and will be due to feed again at 10:00.

It is so nice, I can now plan things and get so much more done now that I know when she will be awake and feeding (at least for the most part).

Here are pictures of her this morning just hanging out in her crib before getting fed and changed. Isn't she an angel!

1 comment:

  1. YAHOOOO!!! I am so happy for you ;) It is so great when they finally start sleeping. She may still have set backs, but sounds like you are on the right track! I tried that book for a little while. I think that must be when my husband started calling me the "Schedule Nazi!" :) WHATEVER works - right????
