Friday, January 29, 2010

Bad habbits starting early...

Well the other not-so-good milestone that I have been referring to is her new found talent of getting her thumb in her mouth and getting it to stay there. I have a feeling that this new talent helped her get through the night in peace. But I say, thank goodness for now! I try to switch her thumb for her paci, because at least you can take away her paci, you can't take away her thumb.

As you can see, she is very determined. She managed to get her little mitten off of her hands and get that thumb in. She first started off by making a fist and getting just about the whole thing in her mouth (a feit not many of us can do) and then slowly opened her hand to get a few fingers and soon just her thumb. It was interesting watching her process this information. I know, I should have nipped it in the bud, but it was so neat seeing her learn and imagining what she is thinking while she is trying to figure it out.

I may have a future problem on my hands, so if anyone has any suggestions in the future on how to get a child from sucking his/her thumb, please let me know... :)


  1. she can have my cock to suck

    1. mine too my daughters both started sucking mine at 2 weeks and the youngest still does sometimes, if she is pissed at hubby and hasn't had c--k in a while she comes to my house and wears a short dress no knickers, I know right away I am getting my c--k sucked and eating some pu==y
