Teagan is 9 weeks old today! This past week we have gone for our first walk outside. We went to Bong behind grandma and grandpa Renwick's house. Toby even got in on the fun. I really needed to get out and get some exercise and we wanted to get some energy out of Toby. So we dressed Teagan up in her little Bear suit and put her in the Baby Bjorn and went for a walk.
We are now trying to get on somewhat of a normal schedule now. Teagan is back in her crib and is making mom and dad very tired with her many wakeup calls throughout the night. I have been reading this book Baby Wise (should have read it a long time ago) and hopefully it will help. So far we have been sticking to their schedule. Eat every 2.5–3.5 hours and stay awake for at least an hour and a half after each feeding. Hopefully this will help her sleep longer throughout the night. Normally she follows this pretty good other than she used to take a long nap in the afternoon.
I got some cute pictures with her and Toby. I figured I haven't taken any of him with her in a while and everyone seems to like those the most. So here is a glimpse.
Naked Teagan. She loves being changed and dressed in the mornings. When I was changing her this morning I noticed how chubby she was getting. She has boobies now!!
Isn't it the best when you can get outside! Yahoo ;) Fresh air does EVERYONE good.