Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Flying with Aunt Andi

Instead of your traditional tummy time, Teagan has opted for the more involved and tiring version of tummy time. This tummy time must involve an adult and some strong shoulders. Aunt Andi was the first to discover this new found fun. We were trying to keep her awake and content during her typical evening "crabby time". Typically from about 7 pm or so, till Teagan's last feeding before bed, around 10, she is quite crabby. Teagan loves her room so we decided to hang out in there for a while. We were talking about how Teagan is supposed to have tummy time every time she eats (which is very difficult with a puke-prone baby), but she does not like it most of the time. So Andi decided to try and fly her around. It worked for a long time, as long as Andi could bare Teagan's weight. Since then, it has become a staple when I can't get Teagan to lay on her stomach with out screaming at me.

Teagan has become a pro. She keeps her hands straight at her sides like she is ready for blastoff! Wide-eyed and alert, she holds her head up high, for as long as she can. In most cases the person holding her runs out of stamina before Teagan does. My shoulders are still soar. It is a good workout none-the-less. I often incorporate it into my baby workouts. I hold her like this and do curls, squats and side twists.

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