Today on my work at home day, I finally made it outside. So we all went for a walk again, me, Toby and Teagan. We went in the stroller first and then I dropped Toby off because he has a sore leg and I didn't want to work him too hard. It was pretty nice out. It is amazing what the difference the temperature is between the shade and the sun. We didn't get out until about 3:00 or so. We stopped at Jessi and Bry's house to say hi, but Bry was taking a nap. So I figured we would walk around until Bry woke up. Teagan was awake for a while and then fell asleep.
When we got back to the house to drop Toby off Jessi called and said they were on their way out to the park. So I put Teagan in the baby bjorn and went to the park. On our way there we met Julie, Lindsay and Logan, our neighbors. They were on their way back from a walk. By the time we finally got to the park it was starting to get a little chili outside, so we didn't stay long.
Teagan had her first outside swing experience today! She wasnt too happy at first, but I think it was because she didnt have a very long nap in the stroller and she might have been a little cold. But after i started pushing her, she started to like it. It was cute. She looked like she was swimming in the chair. This summer I think she will be a good size for it. We had a few pushes with Bryahna and then went home. I was getting cold, and Teagan was not very happy anymore.
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