Monday, February 13, 2012

Swimming lessons, week 4 i think?

Teagan did very good this week. She didnt cry at all, well until it was time to jump into the pool. The teacher tried to get her to put her face in the water, but that was a no-go!!

trying to get teagan attempting to stand in the pool, but the teacher kept getting in my way. I was too lazy to get up and move to the other side.

learning how to get in and out of the pool. this is quite the improvement from the second class, when all she did was cry the whole time she was doing it.

Using the floaties!! i dont want to get my hair wet, i am not putting my face in that water!

Emery was upset pretty much the entire time, but when his grandparents came towards the end of class he was all smiles. it was too funny.

look at those stomach muscles on my kid!! Emery looks like a little muscle man.

The dreaded jumping in the water. Emery did a little better than Teagan.

Bouncing in the water. Teagan didn't quite get this concept.

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