Saturday, September 11, 2010

What a morning....

Well i think this house is getting sick! Teagan has had a fever off and on since Wednesday evening. My mom took her to the doc on Friday and of course when she got there Teagan didnt have a fever. Everything looked good. They did a strep test and that came out negative, her ears look clean and everything looks normal. She had a temp of 103 on Thursday night which freaked us out. But Teagan has been happy considering... she has been playing and giggling, just a little sleepy. She is starting to get a raspy voice now. The doc says it is most likely just a virus and it will get worse before it gets better. cough, runny nose... but she said it should clear up by the end of the weekend.

Well this morning was another story. Teagan woke up at about 4:45 this morning and so i took her in our room and rocked her to sleep. She would wake up off and on fussing. We gave her some Tylenol at about 6:00 because she had a temperature again, 102.9. She is starting to get us really worried. I am supposed to call the doc this afternoon and let her know how Teagan is doing. I fed Teagan her bottle in bed and then she was still fussy so i went down stairs to feed her some cereal. Hoping that the more food we get in her the better she will be off to fight whatever she has. She put up a fight and i was only able to get half her cereal down and about 2 spoonfuls of yogurt. So i gave up and started to walk her down the stairs to try and play a little to change her spirits... well i got to the first step and out it all came!!! never seen her puke up that much before not even when she was 2 months old (she was a mad puker when she was a baby)! It was all over my shoulder and down my leg and foot along with the entire first step. She calmed down and seemed much more content after that little debacle!

After that, we both needed to bathe. So i decided to give Teagan a luke warm bath to help with her fever (by this time i could tell the Tylenol was kicking in, she wasnt has hot as she was earlier). Well that didnt last very long. Teagan is not a fan of cool water, she is used to pretty warm baths (she takes after her mother on that one). So we got her out and she just wanted to go to sleep. So chris made her a 4 oz bottle to see if we could get some of those fluids back in her. She drank about an ounce while i was taking a shower to get the puke off me. By the time i got out, both baby and dad were sleeping on the bed.

I thought we were in the clear so i decided to go down stairs and start to do some work on the computer. I was about 5 minutes into my work when all of a sudden i hear the dog getting ready to puke! I thought, "You have GOT to be kidding me!" What, is Toby having sympathy pain for Teagan?? So i rush upstairs and drag him into the bathroom so he can puke on the hard floor instead of having to clean it up off the carpet. I came back down to start my work again before I have to leave for my doc appointment and i just had to put this in my post. It isnt even 8:30 on a Saturday morning and I feel like i have already had a full day!

So wish us luck, and I hope Teagan gets better so the doctors dont have to run any more tests to see what is wrong (the doc said if she gets a high fever 104-105 to take her to the ER and they may have to put a catheter in to get a urine sample... poor thing!).

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