Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I am trying out a possible solution to my lack of space on my blog for pictures. If you havent noticed already i have posted some pictures on flicker. this is my first time using it so hopefully i am using it correctly. if you scroll down you will see pictures of teagan at her first ChuckE Cheese's. I will soon (if i remember) be posting pictures of her zoo trip. those i took with my good camera and need to convert them because i took them in RAW format. apparently that is the best type to use, keeps all of the info from the camera and doesnt delete half of it as a .jpg does. needless to say that means more work on my end before i can post them. but better for you, because i will only end up posting the good ones and you will no longer have to look at 300 okay pictures and will have the best 50! i know, i probably should have been doing that eons ago, but i just dont have the time to sit down and go through them all. plus, i am a mother, my child does NOT take ANY bad pictures so how can i get rid of any??!!!  :)

let me know what you guys think of the flicker? they seem to load faster than shutterfly, plus shutterfly gets stuck after a while. i was loading my chucke Cheese pictures there and after about picture 125 it stopped working... go figure. so i might not be using that sight anymore. but i think i will be reducing the sizes of the pictures i post. i do have a monthly limit on flicker. i think it is 30 meg and 2 videos per month. the videos i will still be using youtube unless i find something better because as far as i know there is no limit, at least none that they have notified me yet of.

1 comment:

  1. I love flickr! I use it all the time - it makes linking up the photos on the blog easy... but you may want to pop for the annual membership = you are going to go way over your limit. I found that out after about 1 week - HA!!!!!
