Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sooo Far Behind!!

Sorry everyone, but I am sooo far behind on posting. Teagan has been doing so much stuff lately. I have some on camera and others i will just have to tell you about. I will keep this short and sweet, and will hopefully update you with visuals later in the week (I left my camera at Andi's house last night so I cant post pictures until I get it back).

Of course I am not going to remember half the stuff she did without the pictures to jog my memory, it is really getting bad these days.... Lets see.

Teagan is starting to like to be on her belly more than her back now, surprise, surprise! She is a rolling machine. She rolled from her front to her back a few months ago, but i never saw her do it again. But now she has for sure mastered the rolling from back to front and just Sunday she started rolling from front to back again. We were over at Dex's house watching the Blackhawks game on Sunday and she was playing on the floor and i looked down and she was all the way to the other side of the room! We had to keep moving her back because she would end up under the coffee table and we were scared she would either get kicked by the guys in the excitement of the game, or bump her head on the legs.

What else has she done... I am sooo drawing a blank right now..see i need those pictures to help me remember, i never leave home without it!

Well I am sure i am missing something inbetween, but yesterday i was outside weeding and planting the annuals that have been sitting in flats for the past two weeks and Teagan was up. So i put her in her bumbo next to me while i weeded. She leaned over and started pulling the grass around her. it was soooo cute! She was either mimicking me or just was intreaged with the grass and had to pull it. She was being really good and didnt even attempt to eat it!

Teagan holds her bottle supper supper well now. Yesterday i had her laying on the floor drinking her bottle while we ate dinner and she held it the entire time and drank the whole thing by herself! She is also getting much better about not puking. That valve must have closed up or something, because if you would have asked me a few months ago, I would have never thought I could take her somewhere without having to bring 5 or more burp rags to clean up her puke mess.

I may have already mentioned this in past posts, but she is hillarious when pooping! Since she is eating a lot of solid foods (baby foods and occasionally bits of what we are eating) she has real poop now. First you will hear her grunting and then after a while you will see her face turn red. She gets this real serious look on her face. I will have to try to get it on video one of these times.

At Andi and Michael's house yesterday we celebrated my birthday early with some Dairy Queen icecream cake (my favorite). And Andi fed some of the vanilla part to Teagan. It was her first icecream experience! She loved it of course. She looks like a fish out of water when she wants something in her mouth! she just sits there opending and closing her mouth waiting for you to shove it in!

Oh, I just remembered another thing! Yesterday (yesterday was a big day) when i was gardening i had teagan laying on a blanket in the shade (after her grass pulling bumbo experience) and i had found a frog... So of course me being the frog fanatic I am I had to introduce her to her first live frog. So i held it in front of her and she grabbed right for it! She actually squeezed quite hard so i had to pry it out of her hand and it dropped on her chest. She was all about it. It was sooo cute.

Teagan also met Gera (my friend Heather's 3.5 week old baby girl) for the first time yesterday. We all went for a walk and Teagan got to play with this play house front thing with all sorts of fun stuff for her to play with. She loved it!

Well i think that is all i have stored in my little memory bank of mine. Hopefully I will get my camera back soon so I can get some pictures to go along with these stories.

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