Monday, July 25, 2011

Teagan_July 2011

Click here to view these pictures larger

Walking Toby in the house

I was trying to keep Teagan entertained this morning while i enjoyed a cup of coffee, at Toby's expense of course... poor toby. He did pretty good, he was getting excited every time i said the word walk, but he kept his cool. At the end i think they both had enough, needless to say, it wasnt very relaxing for me. oh well.

Emery's 2nd Birthday Party

Towards the end of the party, the kids had some fun. Adelaide had fun in the pool while Teagan and Emery chased around Sponge Bob.

here is part one.

here is part 2

as you can see Emery and Teagan don't always see eye to eye, but they are starting to get along better as they get older. Emery is a little rough, and Teagan cry's too easily, but we are slowly closing that gap. maybe by his third birthday we will have it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Spraying the hose!

Teagan's new favorite thing to do outside is spray people with the hose! she is so sneaky about it. she will walk up to you all innocent and then all of a sudden she will pull the hose out and get ya! Even the neighbor kids got into it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

videos from this weekend

Teagan playing in her little frog pool in the front yard with grandma G.

Teagan found some dum dums in my purse and brought one down to me. she at most of it but eventually she got the stem too wet and it started to fall apart so i had to throw it away.

Teagan sharing grandpa's 60th birthday party cake with everyone! she loved it. at least she shared...

Teagan practicing her colors with a bunch of water balloons this morning.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Washing the Car

It was so hot this past weekend we decided to wash the cars to get all of the firework ("booms" as teagan would say) residue off.

Cookout in Scotland

Here is a typical cookout in Scotland... these guys are always up to something. They crack me up!

needless to say, they tried several alcohols and none of them worked, i dont think they had a high enough alcohol content.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wedding in Scotland

The wedding was on July 1. It was beautiful, the weather was wonderful and everything was perfect. here are a few videos.

Nice Dinner in Dublin

We went to a nice dinner in Dublin our last night there. We had a 3 course meal and live music. It was a lot of fun.

Monday, July 4, 2011

End of the wedding

This was one of the last songs before the wedding was over. so much fun. i love this song!!! i have more videos but this one too almost 2.5 hours to download onto youtube, so the rest will have to wait until we get back. sorry for my screaming... didnt realize that i was so loud, i guess the scottish beer clouded my judgement a little... :)


we had a blast. still in Dublin at the moment. having a good time.