Everyone is drinking, including Teagan. It was sooo hot outside, we have to stay in the water just to stay comfortable. The water is sooo deep and warm. The water is 72 foot deep off the back of the boat and we are only like a quarter of a mile away from shore. The water feels like bath water, it is almost too warm, not that refreshing. There is actually a current in the lake. If you just let yourself float out back you will float away.

Teagan and Chris in her new floatie. Of course i had to buy another one even though she has like four i think. but this one an adult can float with here. i figured that would be best since we wont be able to touch the botom and keep an eye on her. She had a good time.

Aunt Dani and Teagan. We just put on her new swim suit with the built in floaties... not a big fan of teagan's. You should have seen us trying to get her in there. The suit is actually for 20-33 pounds and i dont think teagan is 20 pounds yet. but i cant imagine putting a 33 pound kid in this suit, she barely fit.
So cute!